Thursday, November 19, 2009

Five weeks out . . .

and getting better. Yesterday marked the 5th week since my radical prostatecomy on Oct. 14th.

Time has passed kind of quickly, though boredom has crept in on occasion.  I sometimes feel like I've missed an entire season as the leaves are now off the trees and Thanksgiving is just a week away.

I feel much better, though there is still some discomfort while sitting upright for extended periods of time.  I'm sleeping a bit better at night, so I'm not nearly as tired through out the day, but I'm usually ready for bed by about 8pm. I'm not sleeping through the night yet.  I still wake up 3 or 4 times a night; get up to stretch my legs a bit, trip to the bathroom, and try to fall back to sleep.

I've been out walking for at least two miles a day for the last week, either around the neighborhood, or at St. Mary's park in Bridgeport along Long Island Sound.  It helps to get my legs back under me and lessen the muscle pain I've been experiencing, as well as some of the pelvic discomfort related to the surgery.

Tomorrow, I go for my first blood work since the surgery.  If all's right with the world, I'll have a PSA reading that is the vicinity of 0.05, down from my pre-surgical level of 63.  Next Tuesday, we'll be meeting with my surgeon for a six week follow-up appointment. We're looking for continued good news.

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